Vehicle maintenance is an ongoing process. With each new season comes a new list of auto repairs your car needs to make it through the weather. Kwik Lube is here to help vehicle owners in Ogden, Utah year round. Visit our shop soon to handle these auto repairs before fall season!
Your air conditioning system has spent a whole summer working hard, and with temperatures dropping you may not plan to use it for months to come. Now is a good time to service it to ensure problems don’t fester through the winter. Vehicle AC systems are susceptible to mold growth, which can be easily prevented with a quick visit to the professionals.
Fall and winter in Ogden, Utah brings new weather challenges. Make sure your vehicle’s tires are up to the challenge with ideal tread and traction. Your car needs good tires to travel safely. Check your tires to ensure they aren’t balding, low on air pressure, or damaged. It is also important to adhere to a strict tire rotation schedule to ensure your tires wear properly and utilize the full life of the tire.
If your vehicle has any warning lights on the dashboard, you should get professional repairs to fix them as soon as possible. Your car works hard in cooler weather and any problems will place excess strain on it, causing further damage. Fix check engine lights, oil pressure warning lights, and any other notifications to ensure your car is running its best.
Brakes weren’t designed to last forever. When they wear out, your vehicle is susceptible to an accident if the brakes fail completely. Restore optimal brake performance and protect your vehicle from possible accidents with routine professional brake repair. This fall could be the right time to change your brakes!
This list of auto repairs and maintenance items from Kwik Lube is your start to this season’s vehicle care items. For suggestions on your car’s specific needs, visit our shop in Ogden, Utah! Our technicians can tell you exactly what your car needs this fall.
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